Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lesson in Patience

Me and Patience don't really mix but I've had to work really hard at it these past few weeks. Shortly after starting my job Barrett and I got pre-approved for a loan and started looking at houses. After a few weeks we decided there was one we really liked. Unfortunately, the day we decided to put an offer on it, the house went to auction. This is been the most stressful and time consuming process. They suggested that we put our loan through first to make sure we didn't lose any earnest money after putting an offer down. After more than a week we found out that our loan got approved and we made an offer. Now we are waiting to hear whether our offer has been accepted. We should hear back today or tomorrow and as soon as we do I will post some pictures of the house!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that does sound like a lot of trouble... I hope y'all get the house y'all want! :) How exciting! Thankfully God is in control of this situation too!
